Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Note to self – don’t skip pumping…

Yesterday a lot of “corporate” people were on location and we had conferences all day. Sure, I could have slipped out to go pump in my office, but I chose not to. I went home at lunch as usual, and tried to nurse, but Winston fell a sleep. So then, still feeling quite full I tried to pump, but realizing I had to get back to work soon, I didn’t pump but about 2oz each side. Now- considering my morning pumping usually ranges from 8-12 oz, this wasn’t very much. Then, again I skipped my afternoon pumping. By the time I got home I was feeling fairly uncomfortable. I nursed and pumped a bit, but the usual demands of my life left very little time for pumping. Winston ate pretty good that evening and before bed, so I figured everything was ok. Around 1am – Winston started fussing, which is typical. I got up to feed him and realized I was laying on a giant wet spot. It felt like the newborn/engorgement stage again- but just on my right side.
I fed him – he sputtered as I blasted him with milk, but eventually he got a full belly and went back to sleep. Usually I just keep him in bed with us, but I put him back in his bed and went to get some new, dry pajamas on.
Today- more conferences, but I pumped before work and again at lunch time. We should be dry tonight!

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